Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Big News :D

Reminder: only ONE MORE DAY to receive FREE SHIPPING on the Spring Fling Collection!! Hurry!! :-D You'll have until Midnight (CST) tomorrow to place your orders.

OH!! And exciting news (...happened a week ago...apparently my post never posted. huh).

LaLooLoo has joined forces with asheepinfoxclothing to offer you even MORE fun, unique, vintage jewelry, now ALL IN ONE PLACE. :)

Alix and I have been creating pieces together for awhile, so we decided to combine our shops into one awesome shop! :) Still under the LaLooLoo name, you can find her stuff under the asheepinfoxclothing collection.

I have special orders to make, new pics to post and orders to ship. Business is good, life is good. :)


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